Optional EAFK Learning Resources
Parent Education lets families know what EAFK is teaching their children in class and how to support the program from home. This is to provide a consistent, encouraging environment for their students.

EarlyAct FirstKnight®

At the heart of EAFK is our daily online classroom curriculum, known as The Code. Taught in just 10-minutes per day, the framework of The Code involves five SEL Core Skills, which align with all compentencies of The Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL). These are:
1. Self Awareness - Recognition of one’s emotions, goals and values
2. Self Management - Regulation of one’s emotions and behaviors
3. Social Awareness - Understanding and compassion for others’ cultures
4. Relationship Skills - Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships
5. Responsible Decision-Making - Making positive choices involving one's behavior
Our curriculum also corresponds with the Texas Education Agency TEKS for personal charaacter traits, the TEA Texas Model for Comprensive Counseling Programs, and the TEA Minimum Standards on Bullying Prevention.